Pipe patching technology

The supply of sea water, fresh water and chilled water in pipes is critical for Navy vessel operations.
The various uses of these supplies includes cooling machinery as well as surveillance and weapon systems, and for fire fighting. Damage to pipes can lead to a critical loss of water pressure or total loss of supply as well as flooding at the damage site.
DST Group has investigated a number of pipe patching repair systems. Two existing technologies under examination included a pipe clamp and a banding clamp currently in use on Navy ships. Both these pipe patching technologies, however, exhibited variability and limitations in their effectiveness, implementation time and leakage rate.
DST researchers therefore undertook to develop a new design, known as a lever clamp, in single lever and in triple lever versions. These delivered better outcomes than the previously existing clamps.
This work formed part of research done on a range of damage management measures, which included pipe jumper hose technology for reconnecting large breaks, the use of valve systems to isolate damaged circuits and evaluation of a mist type fire fighting system.